Life beneath God's light

I am so excited to let you know that God is working in my own life! I see his hand prints all around me; in my children, in prayers of friends, in praise of friends and family and in my fellow sisters in Christ!
This week was a challenge and there were moments when I felt God pulling on my heart.  Strange, how for me, it seems that I only stop to notice such things when I am at my worst.  He picked me up and kept me close while convicting me to read His word and pray.  It was only in that moment, that I was open to hear his voice.  He spoke of pain and the long road that is laid before me.  I asked him for help and strength to continue in this journey.  I know that you hear ppl say that it is only in the calm of the storm that we hear him speak and it was so true for me. I let go of all the worries and anger and thought only of our Heavenly Father.  This week, take some time to hear His voice!  Don't wait to be amid the storm to listen.  This weeks sermon was all about taking the time to hear his word and that takes time, patience and a listening ear.   God is always there to listen, so take some time to allow him to speak to you!  We will continue our chapter wrap up and begin a new chapter on taking the next step in our walk of faith!   Remember that God's light may seem dim when surround by all the darkness in our lives, but he is waiting to help guide you towards his Eternal light, his son died to give us Eternal hope in Him, and we are to take his hand and let him lead us to our ultimate place beside him in Heaven!
