Week 4: Proverb 31:15-16

Enriching my marriage has always been important and helping to bring love and passion into our life is top priority now!
Proverbs 31:15 speaks to me of life with passi on...living a plan that God has in place for us, set into motion long before we were thought of in our mother's eyes. I love my husband and all that is why I am striving to be a Proverbs wife. God calls us to follow our husbands, submit to them and respect their judgement. Do you?
If we trust in our Lord and his plan, our husbands are there to guide us and be our earthly support, as we are theirs.
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed."-Pr 16:3
"The plans of a diligent wife lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." -Pr 21:5
"She gets up when it is still dark; she provides food for her household and portions for her servant girls (work)..." -Pr 31:15
What exactly does this mean to us.....to rise early allows for God to come first, refreshes our spirit and allows for Him to be our Rock, place to revive our passion for our family, marriage and life.
We are called to be wives that rise early, are prepared for our husbands day by provision of food and work for all. We are asked to have a home that shows love, respect and a place that they want to come home to at the end of their hard work days. I love trying to be there for my husband with love and respect for his day, no matter how bad I think my day was. I want my girls to see my love and enthusiams for work and how hard I want my house to be a place of comfort and love. I know they see my love for him, despite his flaws. They see the way I get down on my knees to pray and show them my passion for Christ. I want them to know what being married is about and how it requires work, focus and dedication no matter how hard it can be. Love is want has bonded my husband and myself and love is what gets me through those long nights or stress-filled days when I want to throw in the towel and take a nap.
The Proverbs 31 women remind me to be wise, look to God for guidance, strength, wisdom and patience. I try to remember this as my days are long, I am paid in grace and blessings that no one can see, and I sometimes get sidetracked when it comes to appreciation for the little things I am called to do as a wife and homeschooling mother.....do you?
Remember that God is watching, loves us, and sees all that we do in his Name! Amen♥
God bless all, Kim S
The biggest struggle I have with teaching the bible is finding the timewhen our schedules get crazy! Thankfully during most of the year it is part of our curriculum. They makes it convient, dead on curriculum content and relevent to their lives, but it is those crazy moments when they are fighting as sisters do or mom is tired and gets angry that we need it most!
This is my view on the training bible....
I think it could be quite useful for those who need dirrction and guide for reading and remembering verses. I also feel that this would only work for a certain type of child, my oldest would fit such a profile as she is ADHD and tends to forget things once she reads it unless asked to do otherwise.
Follow the link to find out move about a giveaway for your child and yourself.
God bless, Kim
This is my view on the training bible....
I think it could be quite useful for those who need dirrction and guide for reading and remembering verses. I also feel that this would only work for a certain type of child, my oldest would fit such a profile as she is ADHD and tends to forget things once she reads it unless asked to do otherwise.
Follow the link to find out move about a giveaway for your child and yourself.
God bless, Kim
Having a HEART for your children: Enrich your Marriage
How to see our marriage through God's eyes
It states in the beginning that God created man and women, "where two become one". It was the design of the bond with which God speaks of us needing that bond to complete ourselves. We are like God in that we need companionship with others, a relationship to grow and confide in. In 1Peter 4:8, Peter talks about the idea of loving each other, because love covers over a multitude of sins. It is this sentiment that rings so true in a marriage. We must learn to lean on our spouse, support each other and realize that neither of us is perfect. We do make mistakes and sin againist our God and others as it is in our nature. But is the forgiveness and love that are the greatest gifts we have received from our heavenly father. It is through our Savior Jesus that this forgiveness and love shines. It is also what God asks of us in marriage. We all struggle for perfection and what we expect from a marriage can sometimes be more than we should expect.
It is the reason that if God is first in our lives and we trust that he can provide for all our needs and humble ourselves before our spouse we can gain a marriage of trust, love and compassion. To understand our partner we must first understand the role that God plays in our lives, and how he can bring us closer through a reliance and trust in our Lord and Savior first and foremost. I know what you are thinking....I can handle it, I know what my spouse is thinking and what he wants from me....but just by saying that you are saying that you don't need God or his compassion. Jesus came to this earth to save us from ourselves and bring our relationship with God to a point where we confide in Him asking for help and guidance, not independence. We should be striving for a closeness and dependance on Him, not ourselves. That is where most people get it wrong. We try to do it on our own. We try to trust in ourselves and our mates to get all we need. We believe that is what God is asking of us as his children....to be individuals and trust in our own judgement and fall on own shoulders.
I have learned that through the years, if I try to depend on ourselves or our husbands we can begin to drag everyone down with us. I learned to depend on no other besides God, to gain strength, compassions and understanding I can only get from our Father in Heaven. I have made mistakes and walked away from him, thought I needed some time from the Lord and even tried to solve my problems without asking for help from him. I have seen troubles knock on my door and thought they would go away. I know that most people don't seem to want to ackowledge that they need a God or that they can't be truly happy without him, but I speak from personal trials. He is important to balance and health of any relationship whether husband, father, mother, or child. He is the reason we are so relational and want to have a close bond with our husband, the reason we leave our parents and "safe" home to venture into the world and learn more about not only ourselves but our partners in life, husbands.
Thank you Amanda, for allowing me this time to reflect on life in my marriage and how that can reflect on who my girls will want to marry and partner up with.
God bless, Kim Swiczkowski
It states in the beginning that God created man and women, "where two become one". It was the design of the bond with which God speaks of us needing that bond to complete ourselves. We are like God in that we need companionship with others, a relationship to grow and confide in. In 1Peter 4:8, Peter talks about the idea of loving each other, because love covers over a multitude of sins. It is this sentiment that rings so true in a marriage. We must learn to lean on our spouse, support each other and realize that neither of us is perfect. We do make mistakes and sin againist our God and others as it is in our nature. But is the forgiveness and love that are the greatest gifts we have received from our heavenly father. It is through our Savior Jesus that this forgiveness and love shines. It is also what God asks of us in marriage. We all struggle for perfection and what we expect from a marriage can sometimes be more than we should expect.
It is the reason that if God is first in our lives and we trust that he can provide for all our needs and humble ourselves before our spouse we can gain a marriage of trust, love and compassion. To understand our partner we must first understand the role that God plays in our lives, and how he can bring us closer through a reliance and trust in our Lord and Savior first and foremost. I know what you are thinking....I can handle it, I know what my spouse is thinking and what he wants from me....but just by saying that you are saying that you don't need God or his compassion. Jesus came to this earth to save us from ourselves and bring our relationship with God to a point where we confide in Him asking for help and guidance, not independence. We should be striving for a closeness and dependance on Him, not ourselves. That is where most people get it wrong. We try to do it on our own. We try to trust in ourselves and our mates to get all we need. We believe that is what God is asking of us as his children....to be individuals and trust in our own judgement and fall on own shoulders.
I have learned that through the years, if I try to depend on ourselves or our husbands we can begin to drag everyone down with us. I learned to depend on no other besides God, to gain strength, compassions and understanding I can only get from our Father in Heaven. I have made mistakes and walked away from him, thought I needed some time from the Lord and even tried to solve my problems without asking for help from him. I have seen troubles knock on my door and thought they would go away. I know that most people don't seem to want to ackowledge that they need a God or that they can't be truly happy without him, but I speak from personal trials. He is important to balance and health of any relationship whether husband, father, mother, or child. He is the reason we are so relational and want to have a close bond with our husband, the reason we leave our parents and "safe" home to venture into the world and learn more about not only ourselves but our partners in life, husbands.
Thank you Amanda, for allowing me this time to reflect on life in my marriage and how that can reflect on who my girls will want to marry and partner up with.
God bless, Kim Swiczkowski
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