God's Love for us wanderers. (Hosea)

To have a love for his people despite our short comings....wanting to go our own way, throwing a fit when things go wrong, and basically giving up despite all that he has done for us.  That is our God, he once talked about wandering of his people, Israel.  He kept asking us to follow him and he would protect us, loving us.  We still didn't trust him and his plans.  In Hosea, he talks about us being a wayward son who is loved no matter what we do.  He states that, " When Israel was a child, I called for him...but the more I called, the further they went from me.  It was I who taught Ephriam to walk; but they didn't realize it was me who healed them. I led them w/ cords of human kindness, with ties of love." Hosea 11:1-4  Where were we when God called to us, "Come back, let me shelter you from the storms"?  I believe we tend to become fearful of our ways and then think we must try to figure out how to gain God's trust and love.  He is always there waiting with open arms to catch us, comfort us and show us the right way~His!  Israel, as we do, didn't realize that God was there to lead us, care for us and lift our troubles. 

Think of Luke 15:3-7 ~His ppl are lost and he rescues them one by one.  Despite having a whole flock, he doesn't abandon one for the others.  He will rejoice at finding this one lost sheep as he will when his "children" return home and repents for his sins.  These are the people who are most valuable to God and the reason that he sent his only son, to die for us!  Think of this parable as one about helping us to find our way, not as unbelievers but as one who has wandered a stray and become lost.  He treasures each one of us as a wandering soul not lost forever but just misguided for a short time.  Repent and allow him to "receive you with open arms, drawing you close to him, rejoicing. His compassion & love are much greater then our sins." (Psalm 103:8-14)

When we became wanderers, God didn't get upset and leave us to our own devices.   He continues to try and gather his flock.  We are his sheep, his family and being a good father, he will always love us even if we go astray and follow the world.  Keep him in your heart and pray for him to lead you back home.  Allow God to guide you and repent for those things that you cling to; the thingsfrom your past that keep you from him.

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