Jesus is called forth those who are sinners to repent!
He called the fisherman to the water. Sent to those same water who had given them nothing, they found their boats overflowing as they caught more than their boats could hold. Simon falls to his knees and answers Jesus, " I am not worthy!" Jesus replies, " Come with me and I will make you fishers of men!" Wow, to be that close to the one who saves us all and know that he is calling you to follow and learn from him. To become a disciple of Jesus and spread his words through out Judea! I can't imagine a more appropriate gift from the Son of God. What a blessing to have someone so close to our Heavenly Father tell you to come and follow him.
Later in the chapter, He speaks to a crowd bringing healing to those in need and few are so driven to help their friend they are willing to carry him to top of the building Jesus is preaching and open a spot in the roof to lower their friend. Jesus knows the plan long before he is in this building speaking and yet he doesn't not yell or turn them away. He welcomes this devotion and creativity and heals this man by saying a simple" Go and be healed"!
What a wonderful gift for a man who was shunned and seen as less than chosen. But God doesn't choose those who feel they need no saving. He looks for those of us who are broken and in need of fixing. He does his best work in those who need him the most and see the need for a Savior. When we are broken, we see that we are fragile creatures of God and need something bigger than ourselves.

Here is a secret you may not know.... He is asking all of us to stand tall for our beliefs and call those near us to enter into such a calling. We are all to be the disciples of Jesus, to show others the way to our God. We are asked to show others in our daily faith, our daily acts and most of all through his Word. Take the time to spend time with our beloved God and show others the grace and mercy that he offers all who are willing to leave everything and follow him!
Become the fisher of men! Take up your bible and spread his words of love and compassion for all of his child!
Another link to reference
Here is a great blog post to get you refreshed and filled with his word: