He shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. ( Isaiah 9:6, ESV)
Review and Giveaway for "Women Living Well" ~by Courtney Joseph. Check it out.
"Women Living Well: Finding Joy in God, Your Man, Your Kids, and Your Home"
Reading this book allows us insight to the reader and also to our lives as moms. We all struggle from time to time with worry about our kids, our jobs as moms, our responsibility to our homes and our duty as Godly wives to our husbands. This book was such a joyous blessing for me.
There is a few quotes that really spoke to me: “We could have exactly what the neighbors have, if we would simply water our yard and tend to it!” I always think that the other women I know have it all together. We can begin to think other families don't understand or perhaps can't relate to our issues. This is when we need to fix our eyes on our heavenly father and remain in his word. If we begin to look inward, to our lives and our hearts, we can begin to heal and renew our families, homes, relationship with kids and spouse.
“Give yourself permission not to have your to-do list all checked off in order for you to rest and get alone with God.” I tend to be one of those moms that takes time to be with God alone when kids are in bed and house is quiet. I want to be refreshed in his holy spirit and be renewed so that I can begin my day with them in a good way. I can get the spiritual nourishment to help make me a better mom, wife and women. I sense his quiet whispering voice, as it gives me strength and wisdom, to deal with whatever my day might hold. He gives me his words to guide my girls on living like Jesus and his peace to keep myself calm no matter what comes our way. When I stray from his word and that time to deepen my relationship with God, I have a poor day and tend to be easily swayed towards the dark side. I am more grumpy, more quick to judge others and more easily frustrated with my kids. Does that mean that even in those day that I spend time with God, things can't go wrong? No, I just mean that I am better equipped to handle whatever each day brings.
“My children will only be as disciplined with their emotions as I am with mine.” This is one of those things I find myself thinking of after the fact. I tend to get overstressed and then just blow. I expect my children to be behaved and then do not restrain myself when I am tired after a long day. We are the first to explain how they should behave: non-judgmental, loving towards others and being willing to forgive others; but then we have a weak moment and judge others, show hatred towards strangers and hold grudges towards those we claim to be friends with. This new age of modern technology doesn't help this basic instinct that we, women, have. You can look back in the bible and see how women in history have done such things and then expect their offspring to be Godly people. We need to be that example that our children see and want to follow. We want to be able to help our children along the way and be the guide they come to for advice when they are faced with a difficult choice.
To find out more about the book, and where to purchase this blessed book , clink on following link
Prodigal Son....the story of a life of wants that became a life of purpose and belonging
Luke 15:17-24*
“That brought him to his senses. He said, ‘All those farmhands working for my father sit down to three meals a day, and here I am starving to death. I’m going back to my father. I’ll say to him, Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son. Take me on as a hired hand.’
His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him. The son started his speech: ‘Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son ever again.’
We’re going to feast! We’re going to have a wonderful time! My son is here—given up for dead and now alive! Given up for lost and now found!’
What does this verse say to you? Does it make you want to comfortthe son or be angry that he left you and expects to be forgiven? Do you feel like the oldest brother who stayed with his father and did as he was told, working the farm and never asking to leave or spend his fatehers' money?
- Luke 15:29-32* (reflects on the other brother's point of view)
‘Look, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command, yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might celebrate with my friends. 30But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him!’ 31And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. 32It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.’”
I, too, would be the one like Martha to want to make the house perfect for Jesus and also the oldest Brother who would wonder why his father was so forgivening and graceful towards his brother. We tend to judge others and fault them for their mistakes, yet what about the "plank in our own eyes?"
We are not perfect and God knows that as sinners we are prone to continue to repeat our mistakes and yet God forgives us. Take up your crosses and allow God to work in your life. You have purpose and meaning, God knows the plans he has for you. And if you stumble and fall, he is there to pick you up and forgive you, giving you rest, and freedom: a new life in Him!
As a Martha, not a Mary, I reflect on my past mistakes, strutinize my past and try to prepare my heart and house to be perfect for his return. But in all honesty, I am jeleous of my sister Mary and her free spirit and wellness. My sin eats away at my soul and my spirit is uneasy. I beg for forgiven, yet give it not to myself. I ask for others to not judge me, and yet I judge others as the Pharisees did. I wait for the day the Jesus returns and gives me his had as he welcomes me into the gates of Heaven and shows that loving smile of mercy and grace!
We must embrace our Heavenly Father and remind him of our love and devotion. We must opens arms to the one who saved us from our sins and show him the mercy and grace he has shown us. Prepare the way for Jesus and let others know they are forgiven! We are children of Christ, first forgiven by God and know as sinners who were freed by Jesus.
God bless, Kim Swiczkowski
Good Morning Girls bible study: Living Like Jesus
References used:
1. *{Peterson, Eugene H. (2006-06-15). The Message Remix 2.0: The Bible In contemporary Language (p. 1867). NAVPress - A. Kindle Edition.}
2. *Crossway Bibles (2011-02-09). The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (with Cross-References) (Kindle Locations 34799-34801). Good News Publishers/Crossway Books. Kindle Edition.
GO and be healed....you are fishers of men!
This week I have been in the depths of Luke Chapter 5...His yearning to heal others and let their miracles be kept quiet. He travels over the land and bring light to those in darkness. To bring healing to those in pain and suffering. To allow those true souls to bring change to their community and spread his Good news!
Jesus is called forth those who are sinners to repent!
He called the fisherman to the water. Sent to those same water who had given them nothing, they found their boats overflowing as they caught more than their boats could hold. Simon falls to his knees and answers Jesus, " I am not worthy!" Jesus replies, " Come with me and I will make you fishers of men!" Wow, to be that close to the one who saves us all and know that he is calling you to follow and learn from him. To become a disciple of Jesus and spread his words through out Judea! I can't imagine a more appropriate gift from the Son of God. What a blessing to have someone so close to our Heavenly Father tell you to come and follow him.
Later in the chapter, He speaks to a crowd bringing healing to those in need and few are so driven to help their friend they are willing to carry him to top of the building Jesus is preaching and open a spot in the roof to lower their friend. Jesus knows the plan long before he is in this building speaking and yet he doesn't not yell or turn them away. He welcomes this devotion and creativity and heals this man by saying a simple" Go and be healed"!
What a wonderful gift for a man who was shunned and seen as less than chosen. But God doesn't choose those who feel they need no saving. He looks for those of us who are broken and in need of fixing. He does his best work in those who need him the most and see the need for a Savior. When we are broken, we see that we are fragile creatures of God and need something bigger than ourselves.
Here is a secret you may not know.... He is asking all of us to stand tall for our beliefs and call those near us to enter into such a calling. We are all to be the disciples of Jesus, to show others the way to our God. We are asked to show others in our daily faith, our daily acts and most of all through his Word. Take the time to spend time with our beloved God and show others the grace and mercy that he offers all who are willing to leave everything and follow him!
Become the fisher of men! Take up your bible and spread his words of love and compassion for all of his child!
Another link to reference http://www.gty.org/resources/sermons/42-67/jesus-came-to-call-and-to-save-sinners
Here is a great blog post to get you refreshed and filled with his word:
Jesus is called forth those who are sinners to repent!
He called the fisherman to the water. Sent to those same water who had given them nothing, they found their boats overflowing as they caught more than their boats could hold. Simon falls to his knees and answers Jesus, " I am not worthy!" Jesus replies, " Come with me and I will make you fishers of men!" Wow, to be that close to the one who saves us all and know that he is calling you to follow and learn from him. To become a disciple of Jesus and spread his words through out Judea! I can't imagine a more appropriate gift from the Son of God. What a blessing to have someone so close to our Heavenly Father tell you to come and follow him.
Later in the chapter, He speaks to a crowd bringing healing to those in need and few are so driven to help their friend they are willing to carry him to top of the building Jesus is preaching and open a spot in the roof to lower their friend. Jesus knows the plan long before he is in this building speaking and yet he doesn't not yell or turn them away. He welcomes this devotion and creativity and heals this man by saying a simple" Go and be healed"!
What a wonderful gift for a man who was shunned and seen as less than chosen. But God doesn't choose those who feel they need no saving. He looks for those of us who are broken and in need of fixing. He does his best work in those who need him the most and see the need for a Savior. When we are broken, we see that we are fragile creatures of God and need something bigger than ourselves.

Here is a secret you may not know.... He is asking all of us to stand tall for our beliefs and call those near us to enter into such a calling. We are all to be the disciples of Jesus, to show others the way to our God. We are asked to show others in our daily faith, our daily acts and most of all through his Word. Take the time to spend time with our beloved God and show others the grace and mercy that he offers all who are willing to leave everything and follow him!
Become the fisher of men! Take up your bible and spread his words of love and compassion for all of his child!
Another link to reference http://www.gty.org/resources/sermons/42-67/jesus-came-to-call-and-to-save-sinners
Here is a great blog post to get you refreshed and filled with his word:
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